Winter has hit us full force her in Bend. Proof lies in the 1 1/2 feet of snow in our backyard, the four foot icicles hanging from our gutters, and ice that builds on my facial hair as I am sleeping. See for yourself. 

Winter isn't completely cold and dreary. There are still amazing sunsets to ignite wonder.

Tea houses to fill the belly with warmth.

Friends and music to fill the heart with joy.
My body hurts from skiing. I just had a thought. "there are only two seasons. The skiing season and the kiteboarding season."
Colin. Man oh man. It is 80 degrees here. There is no snow or ice anywhere near my beard. I don't even have a beard!!!
Beyond that, I enjoy your pictures. I think that your van looks sweet. Tell me more more more.
Thanks Holly. I can see your next Christmas newsletter now...
"Life is good. I am in Bend and have really been enjoying the beautiful nature here, especially Mt. Bachelor. It has sick snow and really nice terrain. I am almost done with my degree in Experiential Education and I really look forward to using my it to help kids who haven't had the chance to do various sports outside such as kiteboarding and/or mountain sports. This summer, I am going to work in Northern California at a sweet sustainable ranch. It's a great opportunity to fulfill my internship requirements for school and hang out with some cool cats. Unfortunately, I will miss the kiting season in HR, but I plan to go up there as much as possible on days when the wind is steady. Please send money. I need some new gear.
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